
简介: 魏玲,生于1972年08月,汉族,陕西省西安市人。教授,博士生导师。1994年西北大学数学系概率论与数理统计专业毕业,获理学学士学位,留校工作至今。期间,于1999年获西北工业大学理学硕士学位,2005年获西安交通大学理学博士学位,2007年10月至2008年1月在香港中文大学进行合作研究。现为中国人工智能学会粗糙集与软计算专业委员会委员。主要从事概率论、数理统计、形式概念分析、粗糙集理论的教学、研究工作。主持国家自然科学基金两项,陕西省教育厅自然科学专项基金一项;发表科学研究论文40多篇。主持校双语教学项目一项,发表教学研究论文4篇。曾获1998年校第三届青年教师讲课比赛一等奖。




2、1994—至今 西北大学任教。








3. 国家自然科学基金,格值形式背景概念格的构建理论与方法(No.11071281),2011.01----2013.12,主持



[1] 魏玲, 师义民. 巴斯卡分布参数的Bayes估计. 纯粹数学与应用数学, 1999, 15(2): 13-16.

[2] 魏玲, 师义民. 对数正态分布无失效数据的可靠性分析. 西北大学学报(自然科学版), 2000, 30(1): 1-3.

[3] Wei Ling, Qi Jian-jun, Shi Yi-min. The EB Estimation of Scale-Parameter for the Two-Parameter Exponential Distribution Under the Type-Ⅱ Censoring Life Test. MATHEMATICA APPLICATA, 2001, 14(4): 66-70.

[4] LING WEI, JIAN-JUN QI, WEN-XIU ZHANG. Knowledge Discovery of Decision Table Based on Support Vector Machine. In: Proceedings of 2003 International Conference on Machine Learning and Cybernetics. IEEE, 2003, 1195-1200.

[5] 魏玲, 祁建军, 张文修. 基于支持向量机的决策系统知识发现. 西安交通大学学报, 2003, 37(10): 995-998.

[6] 魏玲, 张文修. 基于支持向量机集成的分类. 计算机工程, 2004, 30(13): 1-2,17.

[7] 魏玲, 师义民. LINEX损失下一类分布族参数渐近最优的EB检验. 西北大学学报(自然科学版), 2004, 34(5): 517-521.

[8] Ling Wei, Wen-xiu Zhang. Attribute Reduction Based on Equivalence Relation Defined on Attribute Set and its Power Set. In: B. Dunin-Keplicz, A. Jankowski, A. Skowron, and M. Szczuka (eds.). International Workshop on Monitoring, Security and Rescue Techniques in Multiagent Systems MSRAS 2004, Advances in Soft Computing. Berlin Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag, 2005, 317-326.

[9] Ling Wei, Wen-xiu Zhang. A Novel Statistical Method on Decision Table Analysis. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (AI 2004), 2004, 3339: 973-978.

[10] 魏玲, 张文修. 决策表分析的统计依据. 计算机科学, 2005, 32(4): 19-21.

[11] 魏玲, 祁建军, 张文修. 概念格与粗糙集的关系研究. 计算机科学, 2006, 33(3): 18-21.

[12] 魏玲. 概念格属性约简理论与方法.// 张文修, 姚一豫, 梁怡. 粗糙集与概念格. 西安:西安交通大学出版社, 2006: 357-380.

[13] 魏玲, 张文修. 粗糙集约简的闭算子方法. 计算机科学, 2007, 34(1): 159-162,182.

[14] Ling Wei, Hong-Ru Li, Wen-Xiu Zhang. Knowledge Reduction Based on the Equivalence Relations Defined on Attribute Set and Its Power Set. Information Sciences, 2007, 177(15): 3178-3185.

[15] 魏玲, 祁建军, 张文修. 决策形式背景的概念格属性约简. 中国科学E辑: 信息科学, 2008, 38(2): 195-208. WEI Ling, QI Jianjun, ZHANG Wenxiu. Attribute reduction theory of concept lattice based on decision formal contexts. Science in China Series F: Information Science, 2008, 51(7): 910-923.

[16] Ling Wei, Jian-Jun Qi. Combination and Decomposition Theories of Formal Contexts Based on Same Attribute Set. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (RSKT 2008), 2008, 5009: 452-459.

[17] Ling Wei, Guang Yao, Wei Zhao. Object oriented concept lattice construction through the combination of formal contexts. In: Proceedings of 2009 International Conference on Machine Learning and Cybernetics. IEEE, 2009, 2127-2131.

[18] Ling Wei, Xiao-Hua Zhang, Jian-Jun Qi. Granular Reduction of Property-Oriented Concept Lattices. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (ICCS 2010), 2010, 6208: 154-164.

[19] Ling Wei, Sheng-Nan Wang, Wei Zhao. Methods to construct several kinds of concept lattices. In: Proceedings of 2010 International Conference on Machine Learning and Cybernetics. IEEE, 2010, 91-96.

[20] Ling Wei, Hui-Yan Hong, Wei Zhao. The relationship between property-oriented concept lattice and partition. In: Proceedings of 2010 International Conference on Machine Learning and Cybernetics. IEEE, 2010, 122-127.

[21] Ling Wei, Jian-Jun Qi. Relation between concept lattice reduction and rough set reduction. Knowledge-Based Systems, 2010, 23(8): 934-938.

[22] Ling Wei, Jing Zhang, Hong-Ying Zhang. Comparison of concept lattice reduction based on discernbility matrixes. In: Proceedings of 2011 International Conference on Machine Learning and Cybernetics. IEEE, 2011, 1118-1123.

[23] Ling Wei, Qiang Li. Covering-Based Reduction of Object-Oriented Concept Lattices. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (RSKT 2011), 2011, 6954: 728-733.


[1] Min-Qian Liu, Ling Wei, Wei Zhao. The Reduction Theory of Object Oriented Concept Lattices and Property Oriented Concept Lattices. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (RSKT 2009), 2009, 5589: 587-593.

[2] Shengnan Wang, Ling Wei, Qiang Li. Construct New Lattices Based on Rough Set Theory. In: Proceedings of 2010 2nd International Conference on Information Science and Engineering, IEEE, 2010, 5013-5016.

[3] Kesheng Wu, Ling Wei. Attribute Reduction Based on Interval-valued Formal Contexts. In: Proceedings of 2010 2nd International Conference on Information Science and Engineering, IEEE, 2010, 4978-4981.

[4] 赵玉锋, 魏玲, 刘敏茜. 多背景横向合并属性特征分析. 西北大学学报(自然科学版), 2009, 39(2): 181-185.

[5] 赵玉锋, 魏玲, 王磊. 模糊形式背景横向合并概念的生成. 计算机科学, 2009, 36(8A): 116-120.

[6 姚广, 魏玲, 王磊. 合成背景的面向属性概念格生成. 西北大学学报(自然科学版), 2010, 40(1): 1-4.

[7] 王磊, 魏玲, 姚广. 横向合成背景的概念生成. 西北大学学报(自然科学版), 2010, 40(2): 195-198.

[8] 王彬弟, 魏玲. 基于关联格的概念格约简理论. 山东大学学报(理学版), 2010, 45(9): 20-26.

[11] 孙昱薇, 魏玲,仇代远. 基于基概念的面向属性概念格建格方法. 西北大学学报(自然科学版), 2011, 41(1): 11-14,18.


[1] 师义民, 魏玲, 肖华勇. 冷贮备串联系统可靠性指标的估计. 西北工业大学学报, 2001, 19(1): 76-79.

[2] 赵炜, 魏玲, 许军, 张毅. 线性加权评价与聚类分析理论及应用. 纯粹数学与应用数学, 2002, 18(2): 121-125.

[3] 张文修, 魏玲, 徐萍. 广义信息系统上的Rough集理论. 模糊系统与数学, 2004, 18(9): 29-33.

[4] 张文修, 魏玲, 祁建军. 概念格的属性约简理论与方法. 中国科学E辑:信息科学, 2005, 35(6): 628-639. ZHANG Wenxiu, WEI Ling, QI Jianjun. Attribute reduction theory and approach to concept lattice. Science in China Series F-Information Science, 2005, 48(6): 713-726.

[5] Jian-Jun Qi, Ling Wei, Zeng-Zhi Li. A Partitional View of Concept Lattice. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (RSFDGrC 2005), 2005, 3641: 74-83.

[6] Wen-Xiu Zhang, Ling Wei, Jian-Jun Qi. Attribute Reduction in Concept Lattice Based on Discernibility Matrix. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (RSFDGrC 2005), 2005, 3642: 157-165.

[7] Jian-Jun Qi, Ling Wei, Zeng-Zhi Li. A Computational Model of Trust. Computer Science and Telecommunications, 2005, 7(3): 16-20.

[8] 张文修, 魏玲, 祁建军, 仇国芳. 概念格约简泛化与概念粒逼近.// 苗夺谦, 王国胤, 刘清, 林早阳, 姚一豫. 粒计算:过去、将来与展望. 北京: 科学出版社, 2007: 243-274.

[9] Jian-Jun Qi, Ling Wei. Attribute Reduction in Consistent Decision Formal Context. Information Technology Journal, 2008, 7(1): 170-174.

[10] Jian-Jun Qi, Ling Wei, Yun-Bo Bai. Composition Of Concept Lattices. In: Proceedings of 2008 International Conference on Machine Learning and Cybernetics. IEEE, 2008, 2274-2279.

[11] Jian-Jun Qi, Ling Wei, Yan-Ping Chen. Correlation Analysis Between Objects and Attributes. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (RSKT 2009), 2009, 5589: 594-600.

[12] QI Jian-Jun, WEI Ling, LIU Wei. Concept lattice construction through the composition and decomposition of formal context. In: Proceedings of 2010 International Workshop on ROUGH SETS THEORY, 2010, 488-493.

[13] Jian-Jun Qi, Ling Wei, Hui-Yan Hong. Concept lattice construction about many-valued contexts. In: Proceedings of 2011 International Conference on Machine Learning and Cybernetics. IEEE, 2011, 1124-1129.


1. 2008.5.12―14, 重庆,2008国际知识技术论坛(2008 International Forum on Knowledge Technology,IFKT2008)

2. 2008.5.16―19, 成都,第三届粗糙集与知识技术国际会议(The Third International Conference on Rough Sets and Knowledge Technology. RSKT2008 ) 因汶川地震改为网络会议

3. 2009.7.12―15, 保定,2009年机器学习与控制国际会议(International Conference of Machine Learning and Cybernetics. ICMLC2009)

4. 2010.7.12―14, 青岛,2010年机器学习与控制国际会议(International Conference of Machine Learning and Cybernetics. ICMLC2010)

5. 2010.10.19―21, 舟山,2010年第二届国际粗糙集理论研讨会(The 2nd International Workshop on Rough Sets Theory. RST2010)

6. 2011.7.10―13, 桂林,2011年机器学习与控制国际会议(International Conference of Machine Learning and Cybernetics. ICMLC2011)


