1992-1996 扬州大学学士
2000-2005 浙江大学博士
2010-2011 美国国立卫生研究院NIH,美国国家癌症研究所NCI,ResearchFellow
1.WenK#, Yang L#, Xiong T#,Di C ,Ma D, Wu M, Xue Z,Zhang X, Long L, Zhang J, Bi X, Dai J, Zhang RenM, Long L, Zhang Q, Lu ZJ.&Gao G*.Criticalroles of long noncoding RNAsin Drosophila spermatogenesis.GenomeResearch.2016 Sep;2(通讯作者;被F1000推荐阅读)
2.XiaoX#, Yang L#, Pang X#, Zhang R, Zhu Y, Wang P,Gao G*&Cheng G*. A Mesh-Duoxpathway regulates homeostasis in the insect gut.NatureMicrobiology.2017Mar 1;2:17020(通讯作者)
3.GersteinMB, Rozowsky, YanKK…Gao G…Waterston R*. Comparative analysis of the transcriptomeacross distant species.Nature.2014Aug 28; 512(7515):445-448.4.XueZ, Wu M, Wen K, RenM, Long L, Zhang X. &Gao G*.CRISPR/Cas9 MediatesEfficient Conditional Mutagenesis in Drosophila.G3:Genes|Genomics| Genetics.2014Sep 5. pii:g3.114.014159.(通讯作者;2014 highlight in GSA)
5.XueZ, Ren M,Wu M, Dai J, Rong YS.&Gao G*.Efficient gene knock-out andknock-in with transgenic Cas9 in Drosophila.G3:Genes|Genomics| Genetics.2014Mar 21; 4(5):925-9.(通讯作者;2014 highlight in GSA)
6.Wei W, Xin H,Roy B, Dai J, Miao Y* &Gao G*.Heritable genome editing with CRISPR/Cas9 in the silkworm, Bombyxmori.PLoSOne.2014 Jul 11; 9(7):e101210.(通讯作者)
7.Yu Z#, Ren M#,Wang Z, Zhang B, Rong YS,Jiao R* &Gao G*.Highly efficient genomemodifications mediated by CRISPR/Cas9 in Drosophila.Genetics.2013Sep; 195(1):289-91.(通讯作者;2013 highlight in GSA)
8.Gao,G. J.,Chen, Y., Wesolowska,N. & Rong,YK*. A paternal imprint for the inheritance of telomere identity inDrosophila.PNAS.2011Mar 22; 108(12):4932-7.
9.Gao,G. J.,WalseJ., Michelle, B., Patrizia, M.,Natalia, W., Chen, J. & Rong,YK*. HipHopinteracts with HOAP and HP1 to protect Drosophila telomeres in asequence-independent manner.EMBOJ.2010,Feb 17; 29(4):819-29.
10.Gao, G. J#.,Bi,X#., Chen, J., Srikanta, D.& Rong,YK*. Mre11-Rad50-Nbs complex is required to cap telomeres during Drosophilaembryogenesis.PNAS.2009,Jun 30; 106(26):10728-33.
11.Gao, G. J.,Conor,M., Chen, J. & Rong,YK*. A powerful method combining homologous recombination and site-specificrecombination for targeted mutagenesis in Drosophila.PNAS.2008,Sep 16; 105(37):13999-4004.