
简介: 冉齐鸣,中央财经大学中国金融发展研究院(CAFD)副院长、教授、博士生导师,香港岭南大学(Lingnan University)经济系副教授。他在美国纽约州立大学水牛城分校(University at Buffalo, the State University of New York)获得硕士学位,之后在美国西弗尼吉亚大学(West Virginia University)攻读经济学博士,并获得博士学位。冉教授是国际汇率体制专家,他的主要研究工作在宏观经济学、国际金融与金融市场,他已在国际著名刊物上发表多篇论文,包括“Journal of Comparative Economics”, “Southern Economic Journal”, “Australian Economic Papers” “Applied Economics”, “Economics Letters”等。冉教授曾任教于美国西弗吉尼亚大学经济系和金融系,他的教学经验丰富,2002年荣获香港岭南大学优秀教学奖,2006年加入中央财经大学中国金融发展研究院,并一直为博士生、硕士生讲授《高级计量经济学》等课程。冉教授的兴趣广泛,非常热爱运动,如游泳、网球、羽毛球和乒乓球等,他亦是一名中国象棋的高手,经常和学生打成一片。

















主要教学:高级计量经济学(Advanced Econometrics)


Journal Publications

“Transmitted Unemployment under the Linked Exchange Rate System: Evidence from Hong Kong” (with Zhou, Youqing), Economics Letters, 2012, v. 117, iss. 1, pp. 131-33

“Volatility of Macro Fundamentals across Exchange Rate Regimes: A Theoretical Exploration”, (with Wu, Hong), International Journal of Economics and Finance, 2011, v. 3, iss. 6, pp. 79-90

“Does Oil Price Shocks Affect a Small Non-oil Producing Economy? Evidence from Hong Kong”, (with Jan P. Voon and Guangzhong Li), Pacific Economic Review, 2010,volume 15, issue 2, pp 263-280.

“Effects of Foreign Currency Component in Monetary Aggregates on Money Neutrality”, (with Jan P. Voon and Guangzhong Li), Economics Letters, 2008, 99, 435-438.

“How Does FDI Affect China? Evidence from Industries and Provinces〃, (with Jan P. Voon and Guangzhong Li), Journal of Comparative Economics, 2007, 35, 774-799.

“Does China Really Lose from RMB Revaluation: Evidence from Some Export Industries, (with Jan P.Voon and Guangzhong Li), Applied Economics, 2006, Vol.38, number 15, pp.1715-1723.

“Risk, Uncertainty and Chinau2019s Exports”, (with Guangzhong Li and Jan P Voon), Australian Economic Papers, 2006, Vol.45, Issue 2, 158-168.

“Is There Long-Run Money Neutrality under Different Exchange Rate Regimes?”(with Thomas Voon and Guangzhong Li), 2005, Pacific Economic Review, 2006, Vol.10, Number 3, 361-370.

“Volatility of Fundamental Variables under Different Exchange Rate Systems-A Simple Test for Hong Kong” 2002, 34, 253-258, Applied Economics.

“The Relevance of the U.S. Dollar Linked Exchange Rate System to the Stability of Macroeconomic Fundamentals in Hong Kong” in Y.Y. Kueh and Weimin Zhen, (eds.) Globalization and the Sino-U.S. Economic and Trade Relations, pp.398-417, Chinau2019s Social Science Press, Beijing, 2001

“Exchange Rate Shocks and the Speed of Trade Price Adjustment” (with Ronald Balvers), Southern Economic Journal, July 2000, 67(1), 200-211.

“Price Rigidity under Convex and Menu Costs”, (with Ronald Balvers),, Journal of Economics Research, November 1997, 2(2), 269-277.

(with Hong Wu) “A Theory of Volatility in Macro Fundamentals under Different Exchange Rate Regimes with a Test on Hong Kong” to Journal of International Money and Finance

(with Cindy Chen) “Transmitted Unemployment under the Linked Exchange Rate System: Evidence from Hong Kong” to Review of Economics and Statistics

(with Thomas Voon and Li Guang Zhong) “Impacts of Real Exchange Rate Volatility and Misalignment on Chinau2019s Commodity Exports” to Australian Economic Papers

Book Chapters

(with Maia Zhou), 2011, “Economic Growth Interactions between the Han Majority and Minority Regions: Reconsidering the Role of Bank Loans in China” (in Chinese), a Book Chapter forthcoming, in “Studies on Financial Risks in Chinese Countryside”, published by China Social Sciences Press, pp258-272.

(with Thomas Voon and Guangzhong Li), 2006, “Effects of Real Exchange Rate Volatility and Misalignment on Commodity Exports: The Case of China”, in Lok Sang Ho and Robert Ash (eds.) “China, Hong Kong and the World Economy”, pp87-100, published by Palgrave Macmillan.

(with Li Guang Zhong), 2006, “Comparison of Some of the Macro Determinants for the HK-Macao Direct Investment in Guangzhou and Shenzhen” (in Chinese), in Nyaw Mee Kau and Chen Guang Hang (eds.) “Economic Development between Hong Kong and The Pearl River Triangle Delta”, pp135-141, The Joint Publishing Co Ltd, Hong Kong.

(with Zhou Guo Liang), 2006, “Western Effects of Eastern Inputs: Reconsiderations of the Western Development in China” (in Chinese), in Nyaw Mee Kau, Shi Yue Qun, and Li Si Ming (eds.) “CEPA, The Pearl River and Yangtze River Triangle Delta Areas, and Regional Economic Cooperation”, pp184-193, The Commercial Press Ltd, Hong Kong.

Jimmy Ran, 2001, “The Relevance of the U.S. Dollar Linked Exchange Rate System to the Stability of Macroeconomic Fundamentals in Hong Kong”in Y.Y. Kueh and Weimin Zhen, (eds.) Globalization and the Sino-U.S. Economic and Trade Relations, pp.398-417, Chinau2019s Social Science Press, Beijing.


(with Thomas Voon) “Impacts of Real Exchange Rate Misalignment on Chinau2019s Exports”, HK$ 185,000 from HK government, 2004.

(with Thomas Voon)“Pricing Strategies of the Chinese Exporters and Implications on the Exchange Rate Policy and the Trade Relations”, HK$148,000 from Lingnan University, 2003.

Conference Papers:

“Demystifying the Scary Prices---An Investigation into the Chinau2019s Export Pricing Behavior in Three Continents” at the Hawaii International Conference on Business May 26-29, 2005.

“Comparison of Domestic Investment with FDI across West and East: Some Implications on Strategic Transformation in West Development” at the 2nd Annual International Conference on Western China Development in Yinchuan, Ningxia, PR China June 21-23, 2005.

“Exchange Rate Effects on the Transmitted Unemployment in Europe”, presented at the 3rd Global Conference on Business & Economics, in Amsterdam Netherlands, in July 2004.

“Western Effects of Eastern Inputs: Reconsiderations of the Western Development in China”, presented at the 9th Conference on the Regional Economy and Chinese Economic Cooperation in Shanghai, in January 2004.

“Comparison of Some of the Macro Determinants for the Hong Kong u2013Macao Direct Investments in Guangzhou and Shenzhen” (with Li Guang Zhong), presented at the Conference on the Economic Cooperation between Hong Kong and the Pearl River Triangle Delta in Hong Kong in November 2003.

“Gold Price Fluctuations and the Possible Appreciation of RMB”, presented at the 2nd International Conference on Gold Price in Hai Nan Island, PR China, in October 2003.

“The Hong Kong Linked Exchange Rate and its Transmitted Unemployment” (with Cindy Chen), presented at the 2nd Biennial Conference by Hong Kong Economic Association, in December 2002.

“Volatility of Hong Kong Macro Fundamental Variables u2013 A Measurement by Bootstrapping Method” (with Ho Lok-sang), presented at the Hong Kong Economics Annual Conference in December 2000.

“Technological Inputs and the Growth of the State-Owned Industrial Sector in Guangdong” (with Xiangdong Wei), presented at the 6th International Conference of “New Economy and Chinese Economic Co-operations” in Guangzhou in November 2000.

“Stability of Macro and Micro Fundamentals under Different Exchange Rate Systems of Hong Kong” presented at the 26th Annual Conference of American Eastern Economic Association in Washington DC in March 2000.
