近年来,毛峡教授研究室主持了国家自然科学基金项目4项、863计划课题、教育部博士点基金项目、北京市自然科学基金项目、航空基金项目、航天支撑基金、中国与罗马尼亚政府间科技合作项目、中日国际科技合作项目等多项基金课题和国际合作课题,并主持了中国载人航天工程(921工程)部分项目及其它多项横向课题,为学科的发展做出了重要的贡献。毛峡教授在国内外公开发表了130余篇学术论文,其中16篇被SCI收录(其中1区SCI论文4篇),多篇被EI和ISTP等收录,在ICMI2009多模交互国际会议上所发表的论文被选为最具创新的四篇学术论文之一,在美国麻省理工学院(MIT)进行大会宣讲,并在人机交互领域顶级国际会议ACMCHI’09上发表学术论文。同时已出版国际专著(章节)3部、国内专著1部,申请专利40余项,其中已授权7项,软件著作权1项。已培养博士后2名、博士12名、硕士50余名,其中多名博士生获博士研究生创新基金项目,人均发表SCI收录论文2篇以上。毛峡教授曾获北京市优秀教学成果二等奖多项,获校教学成果一等奖多项,连续两年被评为“学生心目中最爱戴的老师”,获“西飞奖教金”一等奖。社会兼职包括教育部高等学校教学指导委员会委员,中国电子学会高级会员,中国宇航学会光电技术专业委员会委员,北京电子学会教育专业委员会委员,国家“863”项目、国家自然科学基金评审专家,IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics、IET Image Processing评审专家。 研究室近年来发表主要论文:
Catalin-Daniel Caleanu, Xia Mao, Gilbert Pradel, Sorin Moga, Yuli Xue. Combined pattern search optimization of feature extraction and classification parameters in facial recognition[J]. Pattern Recognition Letters 32 (9),1250-1255,2011(SCI)
W. H. Diao, X. Mao,V.Gui. Metrics for Performance Evaluation of Pre-processing Algorithm In Infrared Small Target Images[J]. Progress In Electromagnetics Research, Vol.115,35-53, 2011(SCI)
Yu-Li Xue, Xia Mao,Catalin-Daniel Caleanu, ShanWei Lv, Layered Fuzzy Facial Expression Generation of Virtual Agent[J]. Chinese Journal of Electronics 19 (1), 69-74,2010 (SCI)
Wang X.K., Mao, X.,Caleanu. C.D. Nonlinear shape-texture Manifold learning[J]. IEICE Transaction on Information and Systems 93 (8), 2016-2019, 2010(SCI)
Mao, X., Li, Z. Web-based Affective Human-agent Interaction Generation[M]. Ronald Hartung (Ed.), Agent and Multi-agent system technology for Internet and Enterprise Systems, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2010, pp. 323-345,2010 ISBN: 978-3-642-13525-5(专著)
X. Mao, L.J. Chen.Speech Emotion Recognition Based on Parametric Filter and Fractal Dimension [J]. IEICE TRANSACTIONS on Information and Systems 93 (8), 2324-2326, 2010(SCI)
Kang Huang, Xia Mao.Novel Metric of Relative Characteristics of Small Targets and Backgrounds in Infrared Images[J]. Optical Engineering, 49(10), 2010 (SCI)
Kang Huang, Xia Mao.Detectability of infrared small targets[J]. Infrared Physics & Technology, 53(3), 208- 217, 2010 (SCI)
Xia Mao,Zheng Li.Generating and Describing Affective Eye Behaviors[J]. IEICE Transaction on Information and Systems, IEICE Press, 2010 (SCI)
Xia Mao,Zheng Li. Agent Based Affective Tutoring Systems: A Pilot Study[J]. Computer & Education, Elsevier Press, 2010 (SCI)
Wei-he Diao, Xia Mao.Operating distance evaluation method for infrared imaging system under complicated backgrounds[J]. Electronics Letters. 45(25), 2009 (SCI)
Xia Mao,Wei-he Diao.Criterion to evaluate the quality of infrared small target images [J]. In: International Journal of Infrared and Millimeter Waves,2008 (SCI)
Xia Mao,Yuli Xue, Zheng Li, et rl. Layered Fuzzy Facial Expression Generation: Social, Emotional and Physiological[M]. Affective Computing,Focus on Emotion Expression, Synthesis and Recognition, I-Tech Education and Publishing, pp. 83-106, May 2008, ISBN 978-3-902613-23-3. (专著章节)
Xia Mao,Yu-Li Xue, Lee-Lung Cheng, Yun Sun. Harmonious Graphics Generating Based on the 1/f Function Theory. Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, v 32, n 2, April, 2007, 521-525 (SCI)
Mao Xia,et al. Study on the Affective Property of music[J]. Chaos,Solitons & Fractals,U.K. 2005 (SCI)
Mao Xia, et al. Affective Property of Image and Fractal Dimension [J].Chaos,Solition & Fractal, U.K. 2003.3:V15 905-910 (SCI)
黄康, 毛峡, 梁晓庚. 红外小目标图像背景杂波量化方法[J].光学学报2010 (EI)
Catalin-Daniel Caleanu, Xia Mao,Vigil Tiponut, Yuli Xue. Direct Search as Unsupervised Training Algorithm for Neural Networks[A]. 14th WSEAS Int. Conf. on Systems,pp.575-579.2010(EI,ISTP)
Li Z, Mao X.Effects of Virtual Agent’s Pupil Size, Blink Rate and Saccade on Person Impressions[J]. 10th International Conference on Intelligent Virtual Agents (IVA’10), Philadelphia, USA. 2010(EI,ISTP)
毛峡, 常乐,刁伟鹤. 复杂背景下红外点目标探测概率估算[J]. 北京航空航天大学学报(EI)
薛雨丽, 毛峡, Catalin-Daniel Caleanu, 常青. 基于社交、情感和生理的分层模糊表情生成[J]. 模式识别与人工智能. 2010(EI)
黄康, 毛峡,梁晓庚, 一种新的红外背景抑制滤波算法[J]. 航空学报, 31(6), 1239-1244 2010 (EI)
Xia Mao,Zheng Li. Emotional Eye Movement Markup Language for Virtual Agents[A], 10th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS’10), Toronto, Canada 2010 (EI,ISTP)
刁伟鹤, 毛峡.一种新的红外目标图像质量评价方法[J]. 航空学报,2010(EI)
刁伟鹤, 毛峡.自动目标识别中的图像序列质量评价方法[J]. 电子与信息学报,2010(EI)
薛雨丽, 毛峡,Catalin-Daniel Caleanu,吕善伟.遮挡条件下的鲁棒表情识别方法[J, 北京航空航天大学学报,2010 (EI)
刁伟鹤, 毛峡,梁晓庚. 复杂背景红外成像系统作用距离估算方法[J]. 北京航空航天大学学报, 35(8), 1022-1026, 2009 (EI)
黄康, 毛峡, 胡海勇,梁晓庚. 复杂背景下红外弱小运动目标检测的新方法,航空学报, 30(9), 1754-1760, 2009 (EI)
Xia Mao, Zheng Li, Lei Liu. Providing Expressive Eye Movement to Virtual Agents[A]. 11th International Conference on Multimodal Interfaces (ICMI-MLMI’09), Doctoral Spotlight Session. MIT Media Lab, pp. 241-244, Boston, MA, USA (2009) (EI,ISTP)
Xia Mao, Zheng Li, YuLi Xue. Emotional Gaze Behaviors Generation in Human-agent Interaction[A]. 27th ACM International Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (ACMCHI’09), Extended Abstracts, pp. 3691-3696. Boston, MA, USA, 2009 (EI,ISTP)
Xia Mao, Zheng Li. Implementing Emotion-Based User-Aware E-Leaning[A]. 27th ACM International Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (ACMCHI’09), Extended Abstracts, pp. 3787-3792. Boston, MA, USA, 2009(EI,ISTP)
Xia Mao, Zheng Li, YuLi Xue. Emotional Gaze Behaviors Generation in Human-agent Interaction[A]. 27th ACM International Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (ACMCHI’09), Extended Abstracts, pp. 3691-3696. Boston, MA, USA, 2009 (EI,ISTP)
Xia Mao, Zheng Li, Hai-Yan Bao. Extension of MPML with Emotion Recognition Functions Attached[A]. Proceeding of IVA08, Tokyo, Japan 2008 (EI,ISTP)
Xia Mao, Zheng Li, Hai-Yan Bao. Generating and Describing Affective Human-agent Interaction[A]. Proceeding of ICNC08, Jinan, China, 2008 (EI,ISTP)
Xia Mao, Zheng Li, Hai-Yan Bao. A Rough Set and SVM Based Approach to Chinese Textual Affect Sensing[A].Proceedings - 8th International Conference on Intelligent Systems Design and Applications, Taipei, China, 2008 (EI,ISTP)
Xia Mao, Hai-Yan Bao, Zheng Li. Intelligent Emotion Decision System for Autonomous Agents[A]. Proceedings - 8th International Conference on Intelligent Systems Design and Applications, Taipei, China, 2008 (EI,ISTP)
LiQin Fu, Xia Mao. Speaker Independent Emotion Recognition Based SVM/HMMs Fusion System[A]. IEEE International Conference On Audio, Language And Image Processing (ICALIP), Shanghai, China, 2008 (EI,ISTP)
LiQin Fu, Xia Mao, LiJiang Chen. Speaker Independent Emotion Recognition Using HMMs Fusion System with Relative Speech Features. International Conference on Intelligent Networks and Intelligent Systems (ICINIS) , Wuhan, China, 2008 (EI,ISTP)
刁伟鹤, 毛峡, 董旭阳. 一种红外小目标图像质量的评定方法[J]. 北京航空航天大学学报,2008 (EI)
Mao Xia, Zhang Bing, Luo Yi. Emotion Recognition Based on a Hybrid of HMM/ANN[A]. 7th WSEAS Int. Conf. on Applied Informatics and Communications, Athens, Greece, 2007.
Mao Xia, Xue Yu-Li, Li Zheng and Diao WeiHe. Modeling of Layered Fuzzy Facial Expression Generation[A]. 12th Conf. on Huamn-Computer Interaction, Beijing, China, 2007 (EI,ISTP)
Mao Xia, Xue YuLi, Li Zheng and Hu HanYong. Research on Multiple Facial Expressions of Emotions[A]. 5th Conf. on Computing, Communications and Control Technologies, Orlando, Florida, USA, 2007.
毛峡, 赵兴圆,沈巍. 一种基于模糊决策的矩形目标提取算法[J]. 北京航空航天大学学报.2007 (EI)
毛峡,薛雨丽等. BHU人脸表情数据库的设计与实现[J]. 北京航空航天大学学报, 2007.02,33(02):224-228 (EI)
Yu-li Xue, Xia Mao.BEIHANG UNIVERSITY FACIAL EXPRESSION DATABASE AND MULTIPLE FACIAL EXPRESSION RECOGNITIO[A]. International Conference on Machine Learning and Cybernetics 2006 (EI)
毛峡, 孟庆宇. 基于小波分析和神经网络的脑电信号分类方法[J]. 北京航空航天大学学报.2005.10, 31(10):1140-1144. (EI)
Mao Xia,et al. Analysis and Synthesis of Two Dimensional Fractional Brownian Motion Based on Wavelet[A]. The 6th World Multi-Conference on SYSTEMICS, CYBERNETICS AND INFORMATICS, America,2002.7 (ISTP)
Mao Xia, et al. Study on Transforming From Painting to Music.4th EURASIP u2013 IEEE Region 8 International Symposium on Video/Image Processing and Multimedia Communications. (VIPromCom u2013 2002 ),Croatia.2002.6 (ISTP)
Mao Xia, et al. Analysis of Affective Characteristics and Evaluation of Harmonious Feeling of Image Based on 1/f Fluctuation Theory [A]. International Conference on Industrial & Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence & Expert Systems(IEA/AIE 2002)[C], Australia,2002.6: 780-789 (SCIE、ISTP)
毛峡等. 1/f波动数据的产生及其舒服感评价[J].北京航空航天大学学报,2002, 28(3):253-256 (EI)
毛峡等. 基于小波的2-D分形布朗运动分析与合成[J].电子学报, 2003.6 (EI)
毛峡等. 图像的情感特征分析及其和谐评价[J]. 电子学报,2001.12,1923-1927
Mao Xia,et al. Characterization of Dried Seaweed Fluctuation Analysis[A].Trans.IEEE of Japan [C], 1997,Vol.117-c,No.2,205-206