张仲亭 男,1947年7月出生 现任济南市政协委员,济南市政协科教文卫委员会副主任 中国书法家协会理事,山东省书法家协会副主席,济南市书法家协会主席。
张仲亭自幼酷爱书法,用功极勤,习书已有40余年的历史 1989年由济南市委宣传部调入济南市文联 先后任秘书长、副主席、党组书记等职 1994年当选为济南市第三届书协主席 1995年当选为山东省四届书协副主席 2001年当选为全国四届书代会代表 2002年当选为济南市四届书协主席 2004年当选为山东省第五届书协副主席 2005年当选为中国书协五届理事会理事 数十年来,一直没有放松对书法的热爱和追求 把功夫下在读帖临帖上,上追晋唐,书宗二王 打下了较为坚实的书法功底。
其作品多入选重大展览并获奖 先后出版《张仲亭书济南七十二名泉诗》 《张仲亭书法作品集》、《张仲亭书法作品选》 《张仲亭书历代名人咏济南》、《道德经》《金刚经》《论语》《弟子规》等小楷专集。
其作品极具书卷气,且风格明显,深受社会各界的欢迎 特别是小楷作品受到广大书法爱好者和专家学者好评 作为国礼多次赠与外国元首及友人,并被多家博物馆、展览馆等收藏。
2009年,张仲亭所书的杜甫诗《望岳》书法作品,在中华人民共和国第十一届运动会开幕式巨型大碗幕上展示 ,享誉海内外,成为张仲亭书法艺术生涯的两大亮点。
Profile Mr. Zhang Zhongting
Mr. Zhang Zhongting was born in July, 1947. He is member of Jinan Peopleu2019s Political Consultative Committee,Vice Director of Education,Science,Culture and Public Health Committee of Jinan Peopleu2019s Political Consultative Committee,Director of Association of Calligraphers of China, Vice President of Association of Calligraphers of Shandong and President of Association of Calligraphers of Jinan. He began to learn writing calligraphy in a very young age .He has been practicing calligraphy for almost 40 years and has won countless prizes. In 1989, he began to work in Jinan Literary Federation from Propaganda Department of Jinan Municipal Committee. There he worked as Head Secretary,Vice President and Party Leadership one after another. In 1994, he was voted as President of Association of Calligraphers of Jinan (the third group since its foundation). In 1995, he was voted as Vice President of Association of Calligraphers of Shandong (the fourth group since its foundation). In 2001, he was voted as representative for the fourth session of national calligraphersu2019conference. In 2002, he was voted as President of Association of Calligraphers of Jinan (the fourth group since its foundation). In 2004, he was voted as Vice President of Association of Calligraphers of Shandong (the fifth group since its foundation). In 2005, he was voted as Director of Association of Calligraphers of China (the fifth group since its foundation). In his daily life he never gives up calligraphy writing for a while. He spent a lot of time in embracing and practicing the techniques of great masters before him. He especially appreciates two mastersu2019 (Wang Xizhi and Wang Xianzhi) works on calligraphy. Mr. Zhang has won countless prizes nationally. His major works: Famous Poems on 72 Springs of Jinan (collection of calligraphic works in regular in small characters; Poems on Jinan from Famous Poets of Past Dynasties. His art exhibitions had been held in Taian, Literary Federation Building of Jinan, Baotu Spring Garden of Jinan, etc. He had got high praise from the whole society because of his unique and stunning calligraphic style, especially his calligraphy written in regular in small characters. His works, especially those in regular in small characters have been collected by a lot of museums and also have been given as gifts by the government to leaders of central government of China and those of foreign countries.