1990--1995: 清华大学计算机科学与技术系,工学学士学位
1995--1999: 清华大学计算机科学与技术系计算机应用技术专业,工学硕士学位,博士学位
1999 -- :信号处理原理(本科大三,秋季学期)
2003 -- 2004 : C++面向对象程序设计(本科大二,秋季学期)
2004 -- 2006 : C++程序设计与训练(本科大二,小学期)
2005 -- :程序设计基础(本科大一,秋季学期)
1.Wei Wu,Thomas Fang Zheng,Mingxing Xu,Frank Song.A Cohort-based Speaker Model Synthesis for mismatched Channels in Speaker Verification.IEEE Trans.on Audio,Speech and Language Processing,vol.15,no.6,pp.1893-1903,2007.
2.Lu Xu,Mingxing Xu,Dali Yang.ANN based decision fusion for speech emotion recognition.Proc.12th Euro.Conf.on Speech Communication and Technology (InterSpeech 2009),Brighton UK,2009,pp.2035-2038.
3.Hao Hu,Mingxing Xu,Wei Wu.GMM supervector based SVM with spectral features for speech emotion recognition.Proc.32nd IEEE Intl.Conf.on Acoustics,Speech,and Signal Processing (ICASSP 2007),Honolulu,Hawaii,USA,2007,pp.413-416.
4.Hao Hu,Mingxing Xu,Wei Wu.Fusion of global statistical and segmental spectral features for speech emotion recognition.Proc.10th Euro.Conf.on Speech Communication and Technology (InterSpeech 2007),Antwerp,Belgium,2007,pp.2269-2272.
5.Huanjun Bao,Mingxing Xu,Fang Zheng.Emotion attribute projection for speaker recognition on emotional speech.Proc.10th Euro.Conf.on Speech Communication and Technology (InterSpeech 2007),Antwerp,Belgium,2007,pp.758-761.
6.Wei Wu,Fang Zheng,Mingxing Xu,et al.Study on speaker verification on emotional speech.Proc.9th Intl.Conf.on Spoken Language Processing (ICSLP 2006),Pittsburgh,Pennsylvania,USA,2006,pp.2102-2105.