女,1978年1月生,博士,副教授。2001年毕业于 曲阜师范大学,2004年获东南大学 理学硕士学位,2007年获东南大学理学 博士学位。
现为IEEE Trans. Neural Networks、IEEE Trans. Syst. Man and Cybern.、Neurocomputing、 Mathematics and Computers in Simulation、Asian Journal of Control、Journal of Sound and Vibration的审稿人。
目前主要从事非线性系统理论、神经网络理论、智能控制理论等领域的研究。近年来,在混沌控制及神经网络动力学分析等相关领域中取得了一些有影响的研究成果,已在Nonlinearity, Int. J. Bifur. Chaos等国际重要刊物上发表论文9篇,其中SCI收录8篇,EI收录6篇。
1、基于忆阻器的混沌、超混沌电路与系统的生成、分析及其硬件实现, 国家自然科学基金项目(60971022) , 项目组主要成员
论文“LMI-based Criteria for Global Robust Stability of Bidirectional Associative Memory Networks with Time Delay, Nonlinear Analysis 66(7), 1558-1572, 2007” 被评为“2007年中国百篇最具影响国际学术论文”,受奖人:曹进德,Daniel W. C. Ho,黄霞。
1. Xia Huang, Jinde Cao, Generalized Synchronization for Delayed Chaotic Neural Networks: A Novel Coupling Scheme, Nonlinearity 19(12), 2006, 2797-2811. (SCI)
2. Xia Huang, James Lam, Jinde Cao and Shengyuan Xu, Robust Synchronization Criteria for Recurrent Neural Networks via Linear Feedback, International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos 17(8), 2007, 2723-2738. (SCI)
3. Xia Huang, Jinde Cao and Daniel W. C. Ho, Synchronization Criteria of Lur’e Systems by Dynamic Output Feedback with Time-delay, International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos 16(8), 2006, 2293-2307. (SCI)
4. 黄 霞, 曹进德, 参数未知超混沌系统的自适应广义同步控制, 第25届中国控制会议(CCC06), 2006, 924-927. (EI)
5. Jinde Cao, Daniel W. C. Ho and Xia Huang, LMI-based Criteria for Global Robust Stability of Bidirectional Associative Memory Networks with Time Delay, Nonlinear Analysis:Theory, Methods & Applications 66(7), 2007, 1558-1572. (SCI)
6. Xia Huang, Jinde Cao and Deshuang Huang, LMI-Based Approach for Delay-dependent Exponential Stability Analysis of BAM Neural Networks, Chaos, Solitons & Fractals 24(3), 2005, 885-898. (SCI)
7. Xia Huang, Jinde Cao and Daniel W. C. Ho, Existence and Attractivity of Almost Periodic Solution for Recurrent Neural Networks with Unbounded Delays and Variable Coefficients, Nonlinear Dynamics 45(3-4), 2006, 337-351. (SCI)
8. Jinde Cao, Anping Chen and Xia Huang, Almost Periodic Attractor of Delayed Neural Networks with Variable Coefficients, Physics Letters A 340(1-4), 2005, 104-120. (SCI)
9. Xia Huang, Jinde Cao, Almost Periodic Solution of Shunting Inhibitory Cellular Neural Networks with Time-varying Delay, Physics Letters A 314(3), 2003, 222-231. (SCI)