姓 名: 胡龙兴
性 别: 男
职 务: 硕士研究生导师
职 称: 副研究员
学 位: 博士
通讯地址: 湖北武汉武昌磨山 中国科学院武汉植物园
2012年9月-至今, 中科院武汉植物园,副研究员
1. Hu L., P. Zhang, Y. Jiang, J. Fu*. 2014. Metabolomic analysis revealed differential adaptation to salinity and alkalinity stress in kentucky bluegrass (Poa pratensis). Plant Molecular Biology Reporter
2. Sun X., L. Hu, Y. Xie, J. Fu*. 2014. Evaluation of genotypic variation in heat tolerance of tall fescue by functional traits. Euphytica
3. Xie Y., H. Luo, L. Hu, X. Sun, Y. Lou, J. Fu*. 2014. Classification of genetic variation for cadmium tolerance in Bermudagrass [Cynodon dactylon (L.) Pers.] using physiological traits and molecular markers. Ecotoxicology
4. Hu, L., H. Li, H. Pang, J. Fu*. 2012. Responses of Antioxidant Gene, Protein and Enzymes to Salinity Stress in Two Genotypes of Perennial Ryegrass (Lolium perenne) Differing in Salt Tolerance. Journal of Plant Physiology
5. Hu, L., T. Hu, X. Zhang, H. Pang, J. Fu*. 2012. Exogenous glycine betaine ameliorates the adverse effect of salt stress on perennial ryegrass. J. Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci
6. Zhang, P., J. Fu*, L. Hu*. 2012. Effects of Alkali Stress on Growth, Free Amino Acids and Carbohydrates Metabolism in Kentucky Bluegrass (Poa pratensis). Ecotoxicology
7. Hu, L., Z. Wang, B. Huang*. 2012. Effects of cytokinin and potassium on stomatal and photosynthetic recovery from drought stress. Crop Science
8. Hu, L., Z. Wang, B. Huang*. 2012. Growth and Physiological Recovery of Kentucky Bluegrass (Poa pratensis) from Drought Stress as Affected by a Synthetic Cytokinin 6-benzylaminopurine. Crop Science
9. Hu, L., Z, Huang, S. Liu, J. Fu*. 2012. Growth Response and Gene Expression in Antioxidant Related Enzymes in Two Bermudagrass Genotypes Differing in Salt Tolerance. J. Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci.
10. Hu, L., Z. Wang, B. Huang*. 2010. Diffusion limitations and metabolic factors associated with inhibition and recovery of photosynthesis from drought stress in a C perennial grass species. Physiologia Plantanrum
11. Hu, L., Z. Wang, H. Du, B. Huang*. 2009. Differential accumulation of dehydrins in response to water stress for hybrid and common bermudagrass genotypes differing in drought tolerance. Journal of Plant Physiology
12. Hu, L., Z. Wang, B. Huang*. 2009. Photosynthetic Responses of Bermudagrass to Drought Stress Associated with Stomatal and Metabolic Limitations. Crop Science
1. 狗牙根适应盐胁迫的根冠异速生长特性及机理研究,国家自然科学基金(青年基金),主持人
2. 南方草地固碳现状、速率、机制和潜力”研究(湖北),中国科学院战略性先导科技专项,主要参加人