非线性扩散方程 、 微分方程数值解 、 最优控制。
1.国家自然科学基金(青年基金): 高阶非线性发展方程的整体吸引子与数值解法 (批准号:11401258),22万,2015年1月至2017年12月,主持,在研。
2.江苏省自然科学基金(青年基金):非线性高阶发展方程解的长时间行为及其最优控制(批准号:Bk0140130),20万,2014年7月至2017年6月,主持,在研 。
3. 中央高校自主科研青年基金:高阶非线性发展方程的数值解法(批准号: JUSRP 11407) , 8 万, 201 4年1月至2015年12月, 主持 ,在研。
4. 企业横向:新型耐温粘胶剂的市场调查与分析( 1144320000134910 ),6万,2013年11月至2015年11月,主持,在研。
5.国家自然科学基金(青年基金): 多辛保结构变分数值方法及非标准有限差分方法在其上的应用 (批准号: 11401259 ),22万,2015年1月至2017年12月,参与,在研。
[ 1 ] , X. Zhao and C. Liu, Optimal control problem for viscous Cahn–Hilliard equation , Nonlinear Analysis: Theory, Methods & Applications 74 (17) (2011) , 6348-6357 . [SCI, WOS:000293784500047 ]
[ 2 ] , X. Zhao, B. Liu and N. Duan, Existence of global attractor for the Trojan Y Chromosome model , Electronic Journal of Qualitative Theory of Differential Equations , 2012,No 36, 1-16. [SCI, WOS:000304408400001 ]
[ 3 ] , X. Zhao and C. Liu, Global attractor for a nonlinear model with periodic boundary value condition , Portugaliae Mathematica 69 ( 2012 ), 221-231 . [SCI, WOS:000311255800004 ]
[ 4 ] , X. Zhao and B. Liu, The existence of global attractor for convective Cahn-Hilliard equation , J. Korean Math. Soc ., 49 (2 012 ), 359-378 . [SCI, WOS:000301321600009 ]
[ 5 ] , X. Zhao, B. Liu and N. Duan, Time-periodic solution for a fourth-order parabolic equation describing crystal surface growth , Electronic Journal of Qualitative Theory of Differential Equations , 2013, No. 7, 1-15. [SCI, WOS: 000313178600001 ]
[ 6 ] , X. Zhao and C. Liu, The existence of global attractor for a fourth-order parabolic equation , Applicable Analysis , 92 (1) (2013) , 44-59 . [SCI, WOS: 000313032000004 ]
[ 7 ] , X. Zhao, B. Liu, P. Zhang, W. Zhang and F. Liu, Fourier spectral method for the modified Swift-Hohenberg equation , Advance in Difference Equations, 2013: 2013, 156. [SCI, WOS: 000321587000001 ]
[ 8 ] , X. Zhao and B. Liu, Global attractor for coupled two-compartment Gray-Scott equations , Bull. Korean Math. Soc., 50(2013),143-159. [SCI, WOS: 000324077000013 ]
[ 9 ] , X. Zhao, M. Zhang and C. Liu, Some properties of solutions for a fourth-order parabolic equation , Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences 36 (2 013 ), 169-181 . [SCI, WOS: 000312940500004 ]
[ 10 ] , X. Zhao and C. Liu, Optimal control of the convective Cahn–Hilliard equation , Applicable Analysis 92 ( 2013 ), 1028-1045 . [SCI, WOS:000315584900008 ]
[ 11 ] , X. Zhao and C. Liu, Optimal control of a fourth-order parabolic equation modeling epitaxial thin film growth. , Bulletin of the Belgian Mathematical Society-Simon Stevin 20 ( 2013), 547-557. [SCI, WOS:000325667500012 ]
[ 12 ] , X. Zhao, N. Duan and B. Liu, Optimal control problem of a generalized Ginzburg-Landau model equation in population problems , Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences 37 ( 2014 ), 435-446 . [SCI, WOS: 000329559200013 ]
[ 13 ] , X. Zhao, F. Liu and B. Liu, Finite element method for a nonlinear differential equation describing crystal surface growth , Mathematical Modeling and Analysis , 19(2014), 155-168. [SCI, WOS:000336036900002 ]
[ 14 ] , X. Zhao and C. Liu, Optimal control for the convective Cahn-Hilliard equation in 2D case, Applied Mathematics & Optimization , 70(2014), 61-82. [SCI, WOS:000339107200003 ]
[ 15 ] , X. Zhao and C. Liu, Time-periodic solution of a 2D fourth-order nonlinear parabolic equation , Proc. Indian Acad. Sci. (Math. Sci.) , 124(3)(2014), 349-364. [SCI, WOS:00034216 9600007 ]
[ 16 ] , X. Zhao, B. Liu and P. Zhang, The Fourier spectral approximation for Kolmogorov - Spiegel - Sivashinsky equation , Miskolc Mathematical Notes , 15(2014), 781-799. [SCI, WOS:000348602900046 ]
[ 17 ] , X. Zhao, A sixth-order parabolic equation describing continuum evolution of film free surface , Electron. J. Diff. Equ., Vol. 2014 (2014), No. 223, pp. 1-13. [SCI]
[ 18 ] , X. Zhao and C. Liu, On the existence of global attractor for 3D viscous Cahn-Hilliard equation, Acta. Appl. Math., Online, DOI: 10.1007/s10440-014-9963-3. [SCI]
[ 19 ] , X. Zhao, F. Liu and B. Liu, Finite difference discretization of a fourth-order parabolic equation describing crystal surface growth , Applicable Analysis, 2014 , Online, http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/00036811.2014.959440 . [SCI]
[ 20 ] , X. Zhao, Spectral approximations of attractors for convective Cahn-Hilliard equation in two dimensions , Bull. Korean Math. Soc., Accepted. [SCI]
[ 21 ] , X. Zhao, Z. Ning, Optimal control problem for the modi fi ed Swift-Hohenberg equation in 3D case , Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences , 2015, Online, DOI: 10.1002/mma.3442 . [SCI]