男 教授,1962年生, 湖北省数学会函数论与泛函分析专业委员会委员
1984年信阳师范学院数学专业毕业 1990年西安交通大学应用数学专业硕士研究生毕业. 1984年至1998年于信阳师范学院任教, 副教授 1998年至今于华中科技大学任教, 教授 1995年被定为河南省跨世纪学术带头人培养对象, 获得省级学术论文一等奖和二等奖多项; 武汉市论文二等奖一项。
讲授的本科生课程有:《数学分析》《线性代数》《数学物理方程》《复变函数》《工科数学分析》等。 研究生课程有《现代数学物理方法》《谱理论》《半群与发展方程》《Sobolev空间》《Boltzmann方程》等。
先后主持完成了两项省自然科学基金资助课题,作为主要成员参加了一项国家自然科学基金资助课题的研究工作。发表论文近四十篇,有八篇被SCI和EI收录。 “关于一类带Maxwell边界条件的单速迁移算子的谱”的工作在第十四届国际迁移理论会议上宣读后得到了该领域国际权威人士P. F. Zweifel, W. Greenberg等人的很高评价[见: Transport Theory Statist. Phys. 24(9),1423-1433(1995)]。
Selected Publications [1] Zhang Xianwen and Liang Benzhong: Well-posedness for the transport equation in a special piecewise continuous function space and eigenvalues, In: Proc. of the 2nd China-Poland Symposium on Systems and Control, Edited by Han-Fu Chen, 1992, pp.288-293, International Academic Publishers. [2] Zhang Xianwen: Operators with spectrum consisting of finite isolated eigenvalues, J. Xinyang Teacheru2019s College (Natural Science Edition), (2)5(1992), 129-134(in Chinese) . [3] Zhang Xianwen: Well-posedness for a class of non-homogeneous abstract Cauchy problem, J. Xinyang Teacheru2019s College (Natural Science Edition), (4)5(1992), 368-374.(in Chinese). [4] Zhang Xianwen and Liang Benzhong: Well-posedness for the transport equation with general boundary conditions and the eigenvalues of the transport operator, In: Advances in Appl. Funct. Anal., Edited by Yang Ming-Zhu, 1993, Vol.1, 356-361, International Academic Publishers. [5] Zhang Xianwen and Liang Benzhong : The critical parameter and flux of the neutron transport equation with integral boundary conditions, J. Xinyang Teacheru2019s College (Natural Science Edition), (2)6(1993), 129-138(in Chinese). [6] Zhang Xianwen, Zhu Guangtian and Wang Miansen: Well-posedness and spectral distribution of the neutron transport equation with integral boundary conditions, Acta Math. Sci.(Ser. A), (1)14(1994), 61-67(in Chinese). [7] Zhang Xianwen, Wang Miansen and Zhu Guangtian: Well-posed problem for the neutron transport equation in a slab with integral boundary condition, Math. Appl. (4)7(1994), 465-472. [8] Zhang Xianwen and Liang Benzhong: Properties of the boundary function and application to transport theory, J. Xinyang Teacheru2019s College (Natural Science Edition), (2)8(1995), 111-118. [9] Zhang Xianwen and Zhang Yufeng: A note on the spectral properties of the transport operator with an external force, In: Advances in Appl. Funct. Anal. Edited by Yang Ming-Zhu, 1995, Vol.2, 387-390, International Academic Publishers. [10] Zhang Xianwen and Liang Benzhong: On the transport equation with integral boundary conditions and its conservative law, Appl. Math.-JCU, (1)11B(1996), 33-42. [11] Zhang Xianwen and Liang Benzhong: On the spectrum of a one-velocity transport operator with Maxwell boundary condition, J. Math. Anal. Appl. (3)202(1996), 920-939. [12] Zhang Xianwen: Filter product and spectral properties of cosine operator functions, J. Xinyang Teacheru2019s College (Natural Science Edition), (4)9(1996), 325-333(in Chinese). [13] Zhang Xianwen: Semigroups of positive contractions in AL-spaces and applications to transport theory, Chinese Quart. J. Math.(suppl.)(1996), 12-17. [14] Zhang Xianwen and Liang Benzhong: The spectrum of a one-velocity transport operator with integral boundary condition Theory Statist. Phys. (1&2)26(1997), 85-102. [15] Zhang Xianwen: A note on the eventually norm continuous C0-semigroups, J. Xinyang Teacheru2019s College (Natural Science Edition), (2)10(1997), 1-4(in Chinese). [16] Zhang Xianwen: Semigroups of positive contractions and applications to linear transport theory, Acta Math. Sci.(Ser.B), (suppl.)17(1997), 211-216. [17] Zhang Xianwen: Spectral properties of a transport operator in a slab with integral boundary conditions, J. Math. Anal. Appl. (1)222(1998), 192-207.最后编辑:2021年09月30日