1985年9月,杨雄里赴美国哈佛大学生物学实验室道林(John Dowling)教授处工作,对鲈鱼接受视锥信号的水平细胞在暗中受压抑的现象及其可能机制进行了较深入的分析。1986年底南迁至贝勒医学院与吴淼鑫(Samuel Wu)博士合作,以蝾螈视网膜为标本,研究外层视网膜神经回路的信息传递和调控。
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24:Zhang D?Q?,Yang X?L?,OFF Pathway is Preferentially Suppressed by the Activation of GABAA Receptors in Carp Retina?Brain Research,1997,759:160~162 ?
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30?Shen Y?,Yang X?L?,Zinc Modulation of AMPA Receptors May Be Relevant to Splice Variants in Carp Retina? Neuroscience Letters,1999,259:177~180?
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32?Li P?,Yang X?L?,Zn2+ Differentially Modulates Glycine Versus GABA Receptors in Isolated Carp Retinal Third-order Neurons?Neuroscience Letters,1999,269:75~78?
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34?Yang X?L?,Shen Y?,Han M?H?,Lu T?,Physiological and Pharmacological Characterization of Glutamate and GABA Receptors in the Retina? Korean J?Physiol?Pharmacol?1999,3:461~469.
35?Shen Y?,Zhou Y?,Yang X?L?,Characterization of AMPA Receptors on Isolated Amacrine-like Cells in Carp Retina?Eur?J?Neurosci?1999,11:4233~4240?
36?Xu H?P?,Yang X?L?,Differential Modulation by GABA of Signals from Red-and Green-sensitive Cones in the Carp Retina? Brain Res?Bull?,2000,51:493~497?
37?Du J?L?,Yang X?L?,Subcellular Localozation and Complements of GABAA and GABAc Receptors on Bullfrog Retinal Bipolar Cells? J?Neurophysiol?,2000,84:666~676?
38?Li P?,Yang X?L?,Forskolin Modulation of Desensitization at GABAA and Glycine Receptors is not Mediated by CAMP-dependent Protein Kinase in Isolated Carp Amacrine-like Cells?PflüGer Arch?(Eur?J?Physiol?),2001,441:739~745?
39?Yang X?L?, Li P?,Lu T?,Shen Y?,Han M?H?,Physiological and Pharmacological Characterization of Glutamate and GABA Receptors on Carp Retinal Neurons,Prog?Brain Res?,2001,131:277~294?
40?Xu H?P?,Luo D?G?,Yang X?L?,Signals from Cone Photoreceptors to L-type Horizontal Cells are Differentially Modulated by Low Calcium in Carp Retina?Eur?J?Neurosci?,2001,13:1411~1419?
41?Zhao J?W?,Yang X?L?,Glutamate Transporter EAAC1 is Expressed on Müller Cells of Lower Vertebrate Retinas?J?Neurosci?Res,2001,66:89~95.
42?Luo D?G?,Yang X?L?,Zn2+ Differentially Modulates Signals From Red- and Short Wavelength-sensitive Cones to Horizontal Cells in Carp Retina?Brain Res ?,2001,900:95~102?
43?Li G?L?,Li P?,Yang X?L?,Melatonin Modulates γ-amino-butyric Acid Receptor-mediated Currents on Isolated Carp Retinal Neurons?Neurosci?Lett?,2001,301:49~53?
44?Yang R?,Yang X?L?,Differential Modulation by AMPA of Signals from Red- and Green Sensitive Cones in Carp Retinal Luminosity-type Horizontal Cells?Science in China (Ser C),2001,44:373~382?
45?Du J?L?,Yang X?L?,Bullfrog Retinal Bipolar Cells may Express Heterogeneous Glycine Receptors at Dendrites and Axon Terminals?Neuroscience Letters 2002,322:177~181?
46?Yang X?L?,Fan G?,Wu S?M?,Non-linear,High-gain and Sustained u2013to- transient Signal Transmisson from Rods to Amacrine Cells in Dark-adapted Retina of Ambystoma?J?Physiol?,2002,539:239~251?
47?Du J?L?,Yang X?L?,Glycinergic Synaptic Transmission to Bullfrog Retinal Bipolar Cells is Input-specific?Neuroscience,2002,113:779~784?
48?Xu H?P?,Zhao J?W?,Yang X?L?,Expression of Voltage-dependent Calcium Channel Subunits in the Rat Retina?Neurosci?Lett?,2002,329:297~300?
49?Luo D?G?,Li G?L?,Yang X?L?,Zn2+Modulates Light Responses of Color- opponent Bipolar and Amacrine Cells in the Carp Retina?Brain Res?Bull?,2002,58:461~468?
50?Xu H?P?,Yang X?L?,Different Effects of Low Ca2+ on Signal Transmission from Rods and Cones to Bipolar Cells in Carp Retina?Brain Res?,2002,957:136~143?
51?Luo D?G?,Yang X?L?,Suppression by Zinc of Transient OFF Responses of Carp Amacrine Cells to Red Light is Mediated by GABAA Receptors?Brain Res?,2002,958:222~226?
52?Du J?L?,Xu L?Y?,Yang X?L?,Glycine Receptors and Transporters on Bullfrog Retinal Müller Cells?NeuroReport 2002,13:1653~1656?
53?Xu H?P?,Zhao J?W?,Yang X?L?,Cholinergic and Dopaminergic Amacrine Cells Differentially Express Calcium Channel Subunits in the Rat Retina?Neuroscience,2003,118:763~768?
54?Li G?L?,Yang X?L?,Glycinergic Input to Carp Retinal Ganglion Cells may be Mediated by Glycine Receptors with Homologous Kinetics?Brain Res?,2003,991:171~179?
55?Shen Y?,Zhang A?J?,Yang X?L?,Uncoupling of Horizontal Cells Alters the Receptive Fields of Retinal Bipolar Cells?NeuroReport,2003,14:2159~2163.
56?Yang X?L?,Characterization of Receptors for Glutamate and GABA in Retinal Neurons?Progress in Neurobiology,2004,73:127~150?
57?Xu L?Y?,Zhao J?W?,Yang X?L?,GLAST Expression on Bullfrog Muller Cells is Regulated by Dark/Light?NeuroReport,2004,16:2451~2454?
58?Lee S?C?,Zhong Y?M,Yang X?L?,Expression of Glycine Receptor and Transporter on Bullfrog Retinal Muller Cells?Neurosci?Lett?,2005,387:75~79 ?
59?Huang H?,Lee S?C?,Yang X?L?,Modulation by Melatonin of Glutamatergic Synaptic Transmission in the Carp Retina?J?Physiol?,2005,569:857~871?
60?Yu Y?C?,Cao L?H?,Yang X?L?,Modulation by Brain Natriuretic Peptide of GABA Receptors on Rat Retinal Bipolar Cells?J?Neurosci?,2006,26:696~707?
杨雄里曾任《生理学报》主编、中国生理学会理事长、《中国神经科学杂志》主编、《中国科学》编委、国际学术杂志《Progress in Neurobiology》编委、《Journal of Physiological Scineces》顾问编委、《辞海》副总主编、大型综合性辞典《大辞海》副主编、亚太地区生理学联合会(FAOPS)秘书长、亚太地区生理学联合会副主席、国家基础性研究重大关键项目计划(攀登计划)“脑功能及其细胞和分子机制”项目首席科学家、国家重点基础研究发展计划(973计划)“脑功能和脑重大疾病的基础研究”项目首席科学家、上海大学生命科学学院院长、复旦大学神经生物学研究所所长、复旦大学脑科学研究院院长等职务。