2002年取得上海交通大学医学院博士学位,并于同年赴美国著名的梅奥医学中心(Mayo Clinic)胃肠科从事博士后研究工作,2007年评为助理教授,后在该校担任副主任(Associate Consultant)等职,2009年其相关专利和专利申请被美国领先的分子诊断公司Exact Sciences Corporation (纳斯达克上市公司)收购,并被聘为该公司研发部主任(Director of R&D),重新组建了该公司的研发部,负责大肠肿瘤无创筛查产品的研发,研究成果多次为被纽约时报和美国全国广播公司等著名媒体报道。有丰富的肿瘤分子诊断技术研究和产品开发经验,擅长肿瘤筛查、肿瘤靶向治疗靶点检测、和其它疾病诊断方法的开发,对于肿瘤的遗传学基础亦有较深的研究。为QuARTS、Digital Melt Curve Assay(DMC)、Real-TimeAluPCR等多种分子检测技术的发明人,所发现的肿瘤特异的甲基化标志物BMP3基因被选为新一代粪便核酸测试的标志物。在《Gastroenterology》《Clinical Cancer Research》《Clinical Chemistry》等国内外领先期刊上发表论文29篇(总SCI影响因子约110分、总SCI引用次数约为500次,其中16篇影响因子超过3分、3篇超过10分,多数为第一作者或通信作者),在国际会议上发表20多篇论文摘要,共申请国际和美国专利11项;担任《Oncogene》《The Journal of Pathology》《Clinical Chemistry》等六份国际领先科学期刊的审稿人;为美国癌症研究会(AACR)、美国胃肠病学会(AGA)、美国临床化学会(AACC)会员。
注:梅奥医学中心(Mayo Clinic)是世界上最负盛名的医学中心之一,其胃肠科一直在美国排名第一。
· 发明和改进了新一代粪便核酸测试作为大肠癌和癌前腺瘤的无创筛查方法,该方法可检测到85%的大肠癌和65%的癌前腺瘤,在多个大型临床中心进行临床试验(12000例),并且已被美国药品食品管理局(FDA)批准临床应用,该研究成果为纽约时报等众多大众媒体广为报道。在该领域的研究居于国际领先地位。大肠癌已成为我国发病率第三位的恶性肿瘤,在我国引进和推广这一技术有望大大降低大肠癌的发病率和死亡率。
· 国际上首次发现食道癌、胃癌、胆道癌、胰腺癌组织中的基因突变标志物可以在患者粪便中检测到,为使用粪便核酸检测筛查和诊断上消化道肿瘤提供了生物学上的可行性。该研究成果2009年六月在权威消化病国际会议Digestive Disease Week上报告后,为医学媒体ModernMedicine等报道。
· 比较深入地研究了消化道肿瘤的遗传学基础,尤其是表观基因组学。在国际上首次发现了畸变甲基化是BMP3、EYA2、EYA4等基因在肿瘤中功能丧失的原因,阐明了畸变甲基化是SFRP基因家族在Barrettu2019s食道癌中失活的机制。
· 首次在大肠癌患者血清中检测出DNA甲基化标志物(国内研究所取得的成果),发现p16基因甲基化仅出现在癌症患者血清中,而不出现于正常对照者血清中。文章发表于国际知名学术刊物《Clinical Cancer Research》,时任美国癌症研究会(AACR)主席的Peter A. Jones教授在同期杂志中发表了专文对该文给予了好评。
· 首次在中国外科学界引入meta分析方法对临床实验数据进行汇总分析,发现联合应用干扰素alpha不仅不能提高5-Fu对晚期大肠癌的疗效,反而增加毒性,纠正了很多医疗同行治疗中的失误,著名医学专家詹文华教授在文末发表专文给予了高度评价,认为证据充分,结论可信,值得临床医生重视。另外,还首次用meta分析的方法证明硝酸甘油软膏对肛裂的治疗有良好效果。
· 发明了Quantitative Allele-specific Real-time Target and Signal Amplification (QuARTS)、Digital Melt Curve Assay(DMC)、Real-timeAluPCR等多项高敏感核酸扩增和检测技术,可用于高度异源性样品中疾病相关基因突变和核酸甲基化或非凋亡DNA的检测。
· 发现了肿瘤特异性甲基化标志物BMP3基因,通过数千例不同临床标本的反复测试,因其对大肠癌检测的高度特异性和敏感性而被选入新一代粪便核酸检测,可望用于大肠癌和癌前腺瘤的筛查和早期诊断。
· 发明了MBD Column用于在复杂样品中富集和纯化甲基化组DNA,可以将所有的发生了甲基化的CpG岛同时进行富集和纯化。
· 发明了Direct Sequence-Specific Capture用于直接从粪水中富集和纯化任何目标基因,在此过程中克服了众多技术难题,该法可将目标基因从粪便等高度异源性样品中富集超过100倍,并完全去除各种核酸扩增的抑制物,具有快速可靠的特点。
· 对采用粪便核酸检测作为大肠肿瘤的无创筛查手段的分子基础、技术路线、产品开发、临床验证的各个方面都做出了杰出的贡献。在此过程中,测试了上百个DNA甲基化、基因突变和蛋白质肿瘤分子标志物,从中得到了一组对大肠肿瘤检测高度敏感的分子标志物;对粪便标本的采集、粪便中人类DNA的保存、抽提、纯化、富集等样品处理的关键技术都进行了深入的研究,并取得了突破性的成果;还对以上的各项技术进行了整合、优化和临床验证。
· 开发了KRAS、BRAF、EGFR等多项肿瘤靶向治疗靶点检测产品,可用于引导抗EGFR分子或抗体对大肠癌和肺癌等恶性肿瘤的治疗。
组建培训了美国分子诊断公司Exact Sciences Corporation的研发团队,并领导该团队在相当短的时间内完成了粪便核酸检测的多项关键技术的攻关,顺利地进行了产品的前期测试和验证。
1. Detecting methylated mammalian nucleic acid in stool. David A. Ahlquist andHongzhi Zou. US Patent No. 7,785,772
2. Collecting and processing complex macromolecular mixtures. David A. Ahlquist, Jonathan J. Harrington,Hongzhi Zou, Patrick S. Quint, William R. Taylor. US patent application number: 20100121046
3. Detecting Neoplasm. William R. Taylor, Jonathan J. Harrington, Patrick S. Quint,Hongzhi Zou, Harold R. Bergen, III, David I. Smith, David A. Ahlquist. US patent application number: 20110183328
4. Methods and Materials for Detecting Colorectal Neoplasm.Hongzhi Zou, David Ahlquist, Jonathan J. Harrington. US patent application number: 20110236916
5. Methods and Materials for Detecting Colorectal Cancer and Adenoma.Hongzhi Zou, David Ahlquist. International patent application number: PCT/US2011/029982
6. Real-time cleavage assay. Rebecca Oldham-Haltom,Hongzhi Zou, Graham P. Lidgard, Michael J. Domanico, Hatim Allawi. US patent application number: 20120122105
7. Mutation detection assay.Hongzhi Zou, Graham P. Lidgard, Michael J. Domanico, Hatim Allawi. US patent application number: 20120122106
8. Methylation assay.Hongzhi Zou, Graham P. Lidgard, Michael J. Domanico, Hatim Allawi. US patent application number: 20120122088
9. Digital sequence analysis of DNA methylation. David Ahlquist, William R. Taylor,Hongzhi Zou, Graham P. Lidgard. US patent application number: US 13/364978
10. Isolation of nucleic acid. Janelle J. Bruinsma, Michael J. Domanico, Graham P. Lidgard,Hongzhi Zou, William G. Weisburg, Hemanth D. Shenoi, James P. Light II. US patent application number: 13/470,251
11. Multiplexed Kras Mutation Detection Assay.Hongzhi Zouet al. US patent application number: US 61/548,639
1.Hong-Zhi Zou, Bao-Ming Yu, Zhi-Wei Wang, Ji-Yuan Sun, Hui Cang, Fei Gao, Dong Hua Li, Ren Zhao, Guo-Guang Feng, Jing Yi. Detection of Aberrant p16 Methylation in the Serum of Colorectal Cancer Patients. Clin Cancer Res 8:188-191, 2002.
2. Weihua Qiu, Bingsen Zhou,Hongzhi Zou,Xiyong Liu, Peiguo G. Chu, Richard Lopez, Jennifer Shih, Christopher Chung and Yun Yen,Hypermethylation of growth arrest DNA damage-inducible gene 45 beta promoter in human hepatocellular carcinoma. Am J Pathol 165:1689-99, 2004.
3.Hongzhi Zou,Neal K. Osborn, Jonathan J. Harrington, Klatt K. Kristie, Julian R. Molina,Lawrence J. Burgart and David A. Ahlquist. Frequent Methylation of EYA4 gene in Barrettu2019s Esophagus. Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev 14(4): 830-4, 2005.
4.Hongzhi Zou,Julian R. Molina,Jonathan J. Harrington, Neal K. Osborn, Kristie K. Klatt, Lawrence J. Burgart,and David A. Ahlquist. Hypermethylation of SFRP Genes in Barrettu2019s Esophagus. Int J Cancer 116:584-591, 2005.
5. Neal K. Osborn,Hongzhi Zou, Julian R. Molina, Ralf Lesche, Joern Lewin, Kristie K Klatt, Jonathan J Harrington, Lawrence J. Burgart, David A. Ahlquist. Hypermethylation of the EYA4 gene in Chronic Ulcerative Colitis-Associated Dysplasia and Cancer: A Candidate Marker for Surveillence? Clin Gastroenterol Hepatol 4:21-218, 2006.
6.Hongzhi Zou, Jonathan J. Harrington, Kristie K Klatt, and David A. Ahlquist. A sensitive method to quantify human long DNA in stool: relevance to colorectal cancer screening.Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev 15: 1115-1119, 2006.
7.Hongzhi Zou, Jonathan J. Harrington, Aravind Sugumar, Kristie K. Klatt, David A. Ahlquist. Detection of Colorectal Neoplasia by Stool Defensin Assay: An Exploratory Study. Clin Gastroenterol Hepatol 2007;5(7):865-8.
8.Hongzhi Zou, Jonathan Harrington, Rafaela L. Rego, and David A. Ahlquist. A novel method to capture methylated human DNA in stool: implications for colorectal cancer screening. Clin Chem. 2007;53(9):1646-51.
9.Hongzhi Zou, Jonathan Harrington, Abdirashid M. Shire, Rafaela L. Rego, Megan E. Campbell, Kristie K. Klatt, Ann L. Oberg, and David A. Ahlquist. Highly methylated genes in colorectal neoplasia: implications for screening. Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev. 2007; 16(12): 2686-96
10. Michelle L. Gumz,Hongzhi Zou, Pamela A. Kreinest, Shauna N. LeGrand, Leandra S. Belmonte, Kevin Wu, , Bruce Luxon, Mala Sinha, Alexander S. Parker , L. Z. Sun, David A. Ahlquist , Christopher G. Wood, and John A. Copland. Loss of Secreted Frizzled- Related Protein 1 (sFRP1) Contributes to the Tumor Phenotype of Clear Cell Renal Cell Carcinoma. Clin Cancer Res. 2007;13(16):4740-9
11. Jin-Ping Lai, Dalbir S. Sandhu, Chunrong Yu, Tao Han, Catherine D. Moser, Kenard K. Jackson, Ruben Bonilla Guerrero, Ileana Aderca, Hajime Isomoto, Megan M. Garrity-Park,Hongzhi Zou,Abdirashid M. Shire, David M. Nagorney, Schuyler O. Sanderson, Alex A. Adjei,Ju-Seog Lee, Snorri S. Thorgeirsson, Lewis R. Roberts. Sulfatase 2 up-regulates glypican 3, promotes fibroblast growth factor signaling, and decreases survival in hepatocellular carcinoma. Hepatology 2008;47:1211-22.
12.Hongzhi Zou*, William R. Taylor, Jonathan J. Harrington,Fareeda Taher Nazer Hussain, Xiaoming Cao, Charles L. Loprinzi,Theodore R. Levine,Douglas K. Rex, Dennis Ahnen,Kandice L. Knigge,Peter Lance, Xuan Jiang,David I. Smith,David A. Ahlquist*. High Detection Rates of Colorectal Neoplasia by Stool DNA Testing with a Novel Digital Melt Curve Assay. Gastroenterology 2009;136:459-70. *Corresponding authors
13. Simon J. Cooper,Hongzhi, Zou, Shauna N. Legrand, Laura A. Marlow, Christina Von Roemeling, Kevin J. Wu, Tapati Maity, Vitaly Margulis; Nadine Hempel; Han W. Tun, Gerard C. Blobe; Christopher G. Wood, John A. Copland. Loss of type III transforming growth factor beta receptor expression is due to methylation silencing of the transcription factor GATA3 in renal cell carcinoma. Oncogene 2010;29:2905-15.
14. David A. Ahlquist,Hongzhi Zou, Michael Domanico, Douglas W. Mahoney, Tracy C. Yab, William R. Taylor, Malinda L. Butz, Stephen N. Thibodeau, Linda Rabeneck, Kenneth W. Kinzler,Bert Vogelstein, Niels Chr. Bjerregaard, Søren Laurberg, Henrik Toft Sørensen, Barry M. Berger, Graham P. Lidgard. Next-Generation Stool DNA Test Accurately Detects Colorectal Cancer or Large Adenomas. Gastroenterology. 2012; 142(2):248-56
15.Hongzhi Zou*, Hatim Allawi, Xiaoming Cao, Mike Domanico, Jonathan Harrington, William Taylor, Tracy Yab, David A. Ahlquist, Graham Lidgard. Quantification of Methylated Markers with a Multiplex Methylation Specific Technology. Clinical Chemistry 2012; 58(2):375-83. *Corresponding author
16. David A. Ahlquist, Karen A. Heichman, William R. Taylor, Douglas W. Mahoney,Hongzhi Zou, Michael Domanico, Steven N. Thibodeau, Lisa A. Boardman, Barry M. Berger, Graham P. Lidgard.The Stool DNA Test Is More Accurate Than the Plasma Septin 9 Test in Detecting Colorectal Neoplasia. Clin Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2012;10(3):272-277
17. Zhiwei Wang, Jing Yi, Hui Cang, Fei Gao,Hongzhi Zou, Baoming Yu, Xueming Tang. P16 methylation of Colorectal Cancer and Association with Dukes Stages. Chin. J Cancer Res., 13: 288-290, 2001.
20. 赵任,郁宝铭,张国驰,郑民华,李东华,黄梁,邹鸿志。手术前后补硒对大肠癌患者的免疫功能及抗氧化功能的影响。世界华人消化杂志2000, 8(9):1013-1016
23. 王志伟,易静,仓辉,邹鸿志,赵任,郁宝铭,汤雪明。大肠癌组织p16基因甲基化与临床病理特征的关系。实用癌症杂志,2001,16(4):360-362
24. 赵任,郁宝铭,郑民华,李东华,张国驰,童善庆,邹鸿志。硒对淋巴细胞杀伤大肠癌细胞过程中Fas/FasL表达的影响。中华实验外科杂志,2001,8(1):21-22
25. 王志伟,易静,仓辉,赵任,邹鸿志,王灏,郁宝铭,汤雪明。大肠癌p16抑癌基因甲基化及Dukes分期的关系。上海第二医科大学学报,2001,21(4):307-309
27.邹鸿志,郁宝铭, 赵任,王志伟,仓辉,李东华,冯国光,易静。大肠癌患者血清中p16基因启动子畸变甲基化的检测。中华外科杂志,2002,40(7):499-501
28. 黄梁,邹鸿志,郁宝铭。射频治疗I、II期内痔712例报告。中国实用外科杂志,2002,4(7):499-501
29. 王志伟,易静,仓辉,高飞,邹鸿志,李涛,赵任,汤雪明。乳腺癌p16基因甲基化与临床病例特征的关系。中华实验外科杂志,2002,19:567