
简介: 谢如刚,男,1938年出生。1961年毕业于四川大学有机化学专业并留校任教至今,现任四川大学化学学院教授,博士生导师,四川大学生物有机化学研究所所长。




  谢如刚教授先后为本科生、硕士和博士研究生主讲《有机化学》、《有机合成实验》、《甾体化学》、《仿酶研究进展》、《近代有机合成》、《高选择性有机合成》等课程;已培养博士、硕士研究生约 50名,目前他们在美国、日本、法国、加拿大、香港、台湾等国家和地区的著名高等院校、科研院所或企业单位有很好的发展。



















  新型人工核酸酶与核酸的相互作用(重点项目,清华、川大合作, 2002~2005)














  Novel Chiral Lewis Acid-catalyzed Asymmetric Aldol Reaction,香港理工大学合作项目(1998~2000)



  谢如刚教授在高选择性合成反应、生物功能体系的分子模拟、有机功能材料、甾体和天然产物等领域开展系列性研究工作。在Chem. Commun., Tetrahedron Lett., Tetrahedron: Asymmetry, Tetrahedron, Steroids, J. Mol. Cat. A: Chem., Current Org. Chem., J. Phy. Org. Chem., Synth. Commum., 中国科学,化学学报等国内外重要刊物发表论文约160篇,合著《有机合成试剂制备手册》、《不对称催化反应进展》,合译《有机化学基础实验》,参撰中国大百科全书《化学》卷。
















  联苯并环丁烯的制备及其聚合物的热稳定性《化学研究与应用》2008年 第11期

  具有C2-对称的新型手性双-S-2-(咪唑-1-基)脂肪酰二胺的合成《山西农业大学学报:自然科学版》2007年 第1期

  新型两亲性大环多胺的合成《有机化学》2007年 第7期

  超分子自组装中的非共价键协同作用《化学研究与应用》2007年 第12期

  含咪唑功能基的手性羧酸酯和脂肪醇的合成《应用化学》2006年 第4期

  1-烷基-2-甲基咪唑衍生物的高效简便合成《化学研究与应用》2006年 第5期

  2-羟基脱氧雌酚酮的合成《化学研究与应用》2006年 第6期

  新型手性咪唑鎓环番的合成及对氨基酸的对映选择性识别《高等学校化学学报》2006年 第9期

  Highly Enantioselective Phenylacetylene Additions to Both Aliphatic and Aromatic Aldehydes, Organic Letters, 2002, 4(23), 4143-4146

  Synthesis and Selective Anion Recognition of Imidazolium Cyclophanes, Tetrahedron, 2002, 58, 8993-8999 Ab initio study on enantioselective reduction of ketones catalyzed by thiazolidino [3,4-c] oxazaborolidines, Chin. J. Chem., 2002, 20(10), 983-989

  Phosphodiester Hydrolysis by Metal Ion Macrocyclic Dioxotetraamine Complexes Bearing Alcohol Pendant in Comicellar Solution, J. Molecular Catalysis A, Chemical, 2002, 187(2), 195-200

  N-Substituted Amides as Chiral Ligands for Catalytic Asymmetric Reactions, Current Organic Chemistry, 2002, 6(10), 865-890

  Efficient Imidazolium Catalysts for th Benzoin Condensation, J. Chem. Research (S), 2002, 262-263

  A Direct Synthetic Approach to Tripodal Imidazole Compounds, J. Chem. Research (S), 2002, 267-269

  New Host Molecules with Imidazoliums as Functional Arms: Synthesis and Anion Recognition , Chin. J. Chem., 2002, 20(5), 447-452

  模拟醛缩酶催化不对称直接Aldol反应新进展,有机化学,2002, 22(5): 318-326

  Interaction between Bifunctional Dioxo Macrocyclic Polyamine Co(II) Complex and DNA in Metallomicellar System, Chin. Chem. Lett., 2002, 13(3), 223-226

  恶唑硼烷催化前手性酮不对称还原反应机理的量子化学研究, 中国科学(B辑), 2002, 32(1), 74-82

  Novel Chiral Imidazole Cyclophane Receptors: Synthesis and Enantioselective Recognition for Amino Acid Derivatives, Chem. Commun., 2001, 1816-1817

  Chiral Monoamidoalcohols and Diamidoalcohols of Squaric Acid: New Catalysts for the Asymmetric Reduction of Ketones by Borane, Tetrahedron Lett., 2001, 42(6), 1107-1110

  Design, Synthesis and Structure of New Chiral Squaric Acid Monoaminoalcohols and Diaminoalcohols and Their Use as Catalysts in Asymmetric Reduction of Ketones and Diketones, Tetrahedron, 2001, 57(45), 9325-9333

  Chiral Squaric Prolinols: A New Type of Ligand for the Asymmetric Reduction of Prochiral Ketones by Borane, Tetrahedron Asymmetry, 2001, 12(13), 1907-1912

  Catalytic Properties of Novel Cyclodextrin Dimers in the Hydrolytic Cleavage of p-Nitrophenyl Alkanoates, J. Phys. Org. Chem., 2001, 14(8), 515-520

  Quantum Chemical Study on the Mechanism of Enantioselective Reduction of Prochiral Ketones Catalyzed by Oxazaborolidines, Science in China, Series B: Chemistry, 2001, 44(6), 616-626

  Catalytic Hydroly of Phosphate Diester with Metal Complexes of Macrocyclic Tetraamine in Comicellar in Comicellar Solution, Chin. J. Chem., 2001, 19(2), 158-163

  光学活性3-(1-羟基乙基)-4-乙酰氧基-b-内酰胺的立体选择性合成, 化学学报, 2001, 59(2), 279-283

  新型手性方酸衍生物的合成及催化前手性芳酮的不对称还原反应, 化学学报, 2001, 59(4), 587-593

  洞状咪唑环番的合成和晶体结构, 高等学校化学学报, 2001, 22(3), 412-416

  N-方酰麻黄碱配体的合成及催化前手性芳酮的不对称还原反应, 高等学校化学学报, 2001, 22(11), 1846-1851

  大环多胺的超分子识别作用, 有机化学, 2001, 21(8), 557-563

  金属胶束超分子体系研究新进展, 有机化学, 2001, 21(11), 1029-1039

  A Conven- ient and Effective Synthesis of Tris-Bridged Tricationic Azolophanes, Synth. Commun., 2000, 30(24), 4555-4561

  A New Tribridged Imidazolium Cyclophane, Acta Crystallographica Section C, 2000, 56(1), e34-35

  Chiral 3-ethoxy- 4-[(1’R, 2’S)-(2’-hydroxy-1’, 2’-phenylethyl)amino]-3-cyclobutene-1, 2-dione, Acta Crystallo- graphica C, 2000, 56(2), e57

  Quantum Chemical Study on Enantioselective Reduction of Aromatic Ketones Catalyzed by Chiral Cyclic Sulfur-Containing Oxazaborolidines. Part 1. Structures and Properties of Catalysts, Intern. J. Quantum Chem., 2000, 78, 245-251

  Quantum Chemical Study on Enantioselective Reduction of Aromatic Ketones Catalyzed by Chiral Cyclic Sulfur-Containing Oxazaborolidines. Part 2. Structures of Catalysts-Borane-Ketone Adducts, Intern. J. Quantum Chem., 2000, 78, 252-260

  Quantum Chemical Study on Enantioselective Reduction of Aromatic Ketones Catalyzed by Chiral Cyclic Sulfur-Containing Oxazaborolidines. Part 3. Structures of Catalysts-Alkoxyborane Adducts, Intern. J. Quantum Chem., 2000, 78, 261-268

  手性含硫恶唑硼烷催化芳酮不对称还原反应的量子化学研究, 化学学报, 2000, 58, 510-514

  Synthesis of Novel Chiral Lipophilic Pyridyl-Containing b-Amino Alcohol Ligands and Enantioselective Hydrolysis of a-Amino Acid Esters by Chiral Metallomicelles, Tetrahedron: Asymmetry, 1999, 10(2), 243-254

  Convenient and Efficient Synthesis for A Series of Ether Bis-imidazoles and Their Derivatives, Synth. Commun., 1999, 29(7), 1217-1222

  Synthesis of New Chiral Macrocyclic Tetraoxo Polyamines Containing Pyridine Ring and Functional Arms, Synth. Commun., 1999, 29(14), 2447-2455

  First Synthesis of Estrogen-imidazolium Cyclophanes, Synth. Commun., 1999, 29(17), 2979-2983

  Synthesis of Imidazolium-bridged Cyclodextrin Dimers and Their Catalytic Properties in the Hydrolytic Cleavage of p-Nitrophenyl Alkanoates, Chin. J. Chem., 1999, 17(4), 384-390

  N-苄基-3(S)-邻苯二甲酰亚胺基-4(S)-[4(S)-2,2-二甲基-1,3-二氧环戊-4-基]-2-氧吖丁啶的合成, 高等学校化学学报, 1999, 20(10), 1554-1558

  Enantioselective Hydrolysis of Long Chain a-Amino Acid Esters by Chiral Su1fur-Containing Macrocyclic Meta11omice11es, Tetrahedron:Asymmetry, 1998, (9), 1197-1203

  Synthesis of Novel Squarylium Cyclophanes, Synth. Commun., 1998, 28(1), 119-122

  Synthesis of Novel Cyclodextrin Trimes, Synth. Commun., 1998, 28(20), 3845-3848

  Synthesis of Novel Cyclodextrin Dimers Linked by Multidentate Coordination Units, Chin. Chem. Lett., 1998, 9(2), 135-138

  Enantioselec-tive Hydrolysis of a-Amino Acid Ester by Chiral Meta11omice11es, Chin. Chem. Lett., 1998, 9(4), 335-337

  A New Synthesis of 1-(w-Haloalkyl)-imidazoles, Chin. Chem. Lett., 1998, 9(6), 519-520

  A Facile and Efficient Synthesis for A Series of Bis(N-imidazolylethyl) Ether, Chin. Chem. Lett., 1998, 9(7), 611-613

  Catalytic Hydrolysis of Lipophilic Amino Acid Esters by Metallomicelles as Carboxypeptidas a Model, Chin. Chem. Lett., 1998, 9(8), 731-732

  两类新型含硫手性大环配体的合成, 高等学校化学学报, 1998, 19(8), 1262-1266

  一类新型的双手性b-氨基醇的合成及催化硼烷对芳酮的不对称还原反应, 有机化学, 1998, 18(2), 142-145

  Enantioselective Reduction of Prochiral Ketones Catalyzed by New (R)-4-(phenylmercapto)methy1-5,5-diphenyl-1,3,2-oxaza-borolidine and Bis-[(R,R)-5,5- dipheny1-l,3,2-oxazaborolidine methy1] disulfide from L-Cystine, Tetrahedron:Asymmetry, 1997, 8(14), 2283-2285

  A Convenient Synthesis of Chiral Sulfur-Containing Macrocyclic Ligands, Synth. Commun., 1997, 27(17), 3079-3085

  Synthesis of Dimeric Estradiol Enzyme Model Containing Imidazolyl and Study on Its Catalytic Efficiency in Hydrolysis of Carboxylates and Phosphates, Chin. J. Chem., 1997, 15(5), 438-442

  Novel Bis-hydroxymethylation of Imidazole and 2-Methylimidazole, Chin. Chem. Lett., 1997, 8(1), 21-24

  A New Type of Biomimetic Medo1:Design, Synthesis and Characterization of Imidazolium Bis-Estrogen, Chin. Chem. Lett., 1997, 8(5), 387-388

  Sythesis of Imidazole Cyclophane as Ligand of Binuclear Metalloprotein Models, Chin. Chem. Lett., 1997, 8(5), 393-396

  Enantioselective Reduction of Prochiral Ketones Catalyzed by Oxazaborolidine Derived from L-Cystine, Chin. Chem. Lett., 1997, 8(8), 679-680

  The Synthesis of New Sulfur-containing Chiral Macrocyclic Ligands, Chin. Chem. Lett., 1997, 8(10), 853-854

  Enantioselective Reduction of Aromatic Ketones with Borane Catalyzed By (R)-4-Thiazo1idinecarboxy1ic Acids or (R)-4-Thiazolidine Methanol, Tetrahedron:Asymmetry, 1996, 7(10), 2779-2782

  Convenient and Efficient Synthesis of Imidazolium Cyclophanes, Org. Prep. Proc. Int., 1996, 28(3), 345-347

  A Convenient and Efficient Synthesis of Bis-imidazoles, Chin. Chem. Lett., 1996, 7(4), 321-324

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