托马斯·格雷(1716—1771 ),是英国新古典主义后期的重要诗人,“墓畔派”的代表人物。他出生在伦敦的一个经纪人家庭,一生的大部分时间在剑桥大学从事教学与研究工作。他的生活可谓中规中矩,捷足而又稳健。格雷一生作诗不多,仅十余首传世,其中以《墓园挽歌》最为著名。此诗创作长达8年之久,最初是为了哀悼他在伊顿公学读书时的好友里查德 ·韦斯特,至少诗末所附的“墓志铭”是为他而作。但纵观全诗,其内容已经明显超越了对某个具体人物的哀思,而是通过对乡村一处墓地的描写,表达对下层默默无闻的人民的深切同情。对他们纯朴善良品质的赞扬,为他们没有机会施展天赋和才华而惋惜,同时也表现了对权贵、人间虚荣的蔑视和嘲讽,对大人物傲慢奢侈生活的谴责。这首诗充分体现了格雷的民主思想。由于贫困,农民不能发挥自己的才能,不能成为像弥尔顿那样的文学家,像克伦威尔那样的政治家。但是从另一方面说,在他们身上没有“野心”,“傲慢”,“骄”“奢”和“谄媚”。他们虽然“贫瘠”,没有知识,但却有“德性”和“天良”,他们是自然本身。这样的思想和弥漫于全诗的感伤情调,使《墓园挽歌》成为18 世纪后期感伤主义诗歌的典范之作。
thomas gray , son of an exchang broker,befriended two best novelists.one of them died, the death of his friend caused thomas gray years of deep grief.he toured the european continent with the other friend.they went to the lake district in search of the sublime and the beautiful.he was by nature a quiet man.his masterpiece the graveyard school estabished his fame as the poet laureateship.but he declined the social activities and led an uneventful life of a scholar all his life.in contrast to those professsional writers.his literary output was small.one of his poems was hymn to adversity.he was a conscientious artist in his day.his poems were characterized by an exqusite sense of form.his style was sophisticated and allusive .the trait of his poems was a distorted word order.最后编辑:2022年02月16日