Hurra, die Schule brennt

发布时间:2024-03-28 上映日期: 评分:暂无
导演:WernerJacobs 年代:1969 地区:西德
简介:Dr. Peter Bach (Peter Alexander) is sent to a city school when his small village school burns down. The liberal and progressive instructor soon gains a large following among the student. He alternately makes enemies among his fellow teachers who resent his methods. Heintje, one of Germany's most... 详情>>

Hurra, die Schule brennt剧情介绍

Dr. Peter Bach (Peter Alexander) is sent to a city school when his small village school burns down. The liberal and progressive instructor soon gains a large following among the student. He alternately makes enemies among his fellow teachers who resent his methods. Heintje, one of Germany's most popular child singers, plays his nephew Jan. The students play tricks on the teachers but leave Bach alone in this musical that features the singing of both Heintje and Alexander.