1999年7月毕业于甘肃农业大学工学院机械设计与制造专业, 获工学学士学位
出版《西北地区农村产业结构升级及调整战略研究》和《江河源区生态环境演变与质量评价研究》专著2部,获省部级科技进步二等奖2项,参编《农业资源与区划》国家级规划教材1部,在renewable and sustainable energy review,bioresource technonlogy,生态学报等国内外期刊发表论文30余篇;主讲《农业生态学》课程评为陕西省精品课程;目前主持和参加国家水污染重大专项、国家科技基础专项重点项目、国家科技支撑计划项目、国家行业专项(农业)、国家自然科学基金、科技成果转化项目、林业局948项目、陕西省重大科技专项计划项目等30余项国家级和省部项目。
1.Yongzhong Feng, Yan Guo , Gaihe Yang , Xiaowei Qin , Zilin Song. Household biogas development in ruralChina: On policy support and other macro sustainable conditions[J].Renewable and Sustainable EnergyReviews16 (2012) 5617-5624.(SCI, IF=6.018)
2.Xiaojiao Wang, Gaihe Yang, Yongzhong Feng, Guangxin Ren, Xinhui Han. Optimizing feeding compositionand carbonu2013nitrogen ratios for improved methane yield during anaerobic co-digestion of dairy, chicken manureand wheat straw[J].Bioresource Technology120 (2012) 78-83.(SCI, IF=4.98).
3.Yongzhong Feng, Xiaoling Zhao, Yan Guo, Gaihe Yang, Jianchao Xi and Guangxin Ren. Changes intheMaterial Characteristics of Maize Straw during the Pretreatment Process ofMethanation[J].Journal ofBiomedicine and Biotechnology2012, doi:10.1155/2012/325426.(SCI, IF=2.436).
4.Zilin Song, Gaihe, Yan Guo,Tong Zhang. Comparison of two chemical pretreatments of rice straw forbiogas production by anaerobic digestion[J]..BioResources2012,7(3):3223-3236. (SCI, IF=1.414).
5.Xiaojiao Wang, Gaihe Yang*, Fang Li,Yongzhong Feng, Guangxin Ren. Response surface optimization ofmethane potentials in anaerobic co-digestion of multiple substrates: dairy, chicken manure and wheatstraw[J].Waste management and research, 2012,DOI: 10.1177/0734242X12468197 (SCI, IF=1.19).
6.Zilin Song, Gaihe Yang,XinhuiHan,Yongzhong Feng, Guangxin Ren. Optimization of the alkalinepretreatment of rice straw for enhanced methane yield.Journal of biomedicine and biotechnology。
7、Xiaowei Qin, Gang Li, Dexiang Wang, Ruiying Liu, Gaihe Yang, Yongzhong Feng, Guangxin Ren.Determinism versus chance in canopy gap herbaceous species assemblages in temperate Abiesu2013Betulaforests. Forest Ecology and Management.262(2011):1138u20131145.·
8、Yong-zhong Feng, Xiao-jun Xie, Xiao-wei Qin, Gai-he Yang, Yan-chun Cao and Shi-qi Yang. Features andtreatment of non point source pollution in the Ningxia Yellow River area.African Journal of AgriculturalResearch Vol. 6(2011)(24), pp. 5541-5550, 26 October.·
9、Yu Chena, Gaihe Yang, Sandra Sweeneya, Yongzhong Fengb. Household biogas use in rural China: Astudy of opportunities and constraints. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews. 14(2010), January2010, Pages 545u2013549。