위험은 가득히

发布时间:2024-04-26 上映日期: 评分:暂无
导演:郑昌和 年代:1967 地区:韩国
简介:A man grows up as an illegitimate child and studies for himself without financial support to enter university. In the process he has had a lot of troubles with social prejudices and becomes to have an anti-social sentiment. There are two women who like him: a daughter of a high class family Gyeong-h... 详情>>

위험은 가득히剧情介绍

A man grows up as an illegitimate child and studies for himself without financial support to enter university. In the process he has had a lot of troubles with social prejudices and becomes to have an anti-social sentiment. There are two women who like him: a daughter of a high class family Gyeong-hui, and Mi-suk who grew up in a poor condition like him. As he dates both women, he becomes dissatisfied with Geyong-hui because of her arrogance and more attracted by Mi-suk. In the end, he declares to marry Mi-suk.