Francesco De Masi

外文名:Francesco De Masi生 日:1930-01-11星 座:摩羯座
简介: Born in Rome, he studied composition at the Neapolitan Conservatory "S. Pietro a Majella" under the direction of M° Achille Longo then proceeded to study orchestra direction at the Chigiana Academy in Siena with Paul Van Kempen and Franco Ferrara. He also graduated in horn, after having studied with Domenico Ceccarossi.

Francesco De Masi的个人经历

Born in Rome, he studied composition at the Neapolitan Conservatory "S. Pietro a Majella" under the direction of M° Achille Longo then proceeded to study orchestra direction at the Chigiana Academy in Siena with Paul Van Kempen and Franco Ferrara. He also graduated in horn, after having studied with Domenico Ceccarossi.

Francesco De Masi作品推荐


剧情: 意大利罗马监狱Rabibia,一批来自五湖四海的重刑犯。这些被判数十载甚至终生监禁的囚犯,经过试镜、排练,排演着莎士比亚戏剧《尤利乌斯·凯撒》。他们在监狱的房间、走道、操场上,演绎着那段两千年前的阴谋和悲剧。本部由意大利兄弟档导演保罗与维克托里奥·塔维亚尼执导的影片《凯撒必须死》,荣获2012年第62届柏林国际电影节竞赛单元金熊奖及天主教人道精神奖,并在2012年第25届欧洲电影奖上获得最佳影片提名。影片以纪录片的形式全景实拍,浓重的黑白色调带有非常强烈的戏剧效果。导演塔维亚尼兄弟花费六个月跟踪拍摄这部舞台剧的排练,而片中这些排练莎士比亚戏剧的重刑犯并非专业演员,而是监狱中真正的囚犯。在剧中死掉的凯撒,在现实生活中,也必须死掉。
