ds or a divine plan For him, religions are out of balance with the universe. In fact, Lucretius often attacked religion as a form of blindness and a cause of evil: u2018Too often Religion / Herself gives birth to evil and blasphemous deedsu2019 Lucretius thinks about the universe: whether it has a limit or not. He argues: u2018All things limit something else […] but nothing / Exists beyond this All to close it inu2019 He wonders about what will make us happy and says that u2018luxury […] is useless for our bodiesu2019 and that Nature supplies all that we need Lucretius sees death as the necessary consequence of change in the universe and argues that it is not something to fear. Our atoms will simply disperse and become part of matter again. He does not believe in Hell or an Underworld of punishment and says instead: u2018This life of fools […] this is the true Hellu2019. In other words, humankind creates its own torture and unhappiness, NOT the Gods.最后编辑:2022年01月02日